Laravel Storyblok Command Line Interface (CLI)

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Artisan commands for working with the Storyblok API in Laravel.

{info} Since version 2.15.0 of Laravel Storyblok Artisan commands for working with the API are separate package. Any commands for generating classes for Laravel Storyblok are still part of that package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require riclep/laravel-storyblok-cli

Exporting and importing stories

You can save the JSON representation of your story with the export command. The resulting JSON will be placed in your storage folder.

php artisan ls:export-story slug/of/story

To import a Story’s JSON from your storage folder use the import command passing the filename and the slug you want to use. It will be placed in the root of your Space with (Imported) suffixed to the title. You are then free to move and edit it as required.

php artisan ls:import-story name-of-file.json the-new-slug

Exporting and importing components

Listing components

You can view a list of all the components in the space with this command.

php artisan ls:component-list

php artisan ls:component-list --additional-fields=id,created_at

Exporting components

To export the JSON schema of a component use the export-component command. You will be asked to select the component to export. All exports are saved as JSON files in your storage folder.

php artisan ls:export-component

If you know the component’s name you can pass it as an argument.

php artisan ls:export-component name-of-component

To export all components pass the --all option.

php artisan ls:export-component --all

Importing components

To import a component’s JSON from your storage folder use the import-component command passing the filename and the slug you want to use. You are then free to move and edit it as required.

php artisan ls:import-component name-of-file.json

If you want to import the component with a new name pass the --as option.

php artisan ls:import-component name-of-file.json --as=new-name

If you want to import the component into a group pass the --group option, leave it blank to choose from a list or pass group ID or UUID.

php artisan ls:import-component name-of-file.json --group

php artisan ls:import-component name-of-file.json --group=12345

php artisan ls:import-component name-of-file.json --group=8c8b1a9c-2ffa-46e8-9146-50dcc193f11e