
All Storyblok Image fields are automatically converted to Image fields. Legacy image fields are also ‘upgraded’ to Image classes.

Transforming images

Storyblok has an image transformation service that allows you to resize, crop and convert image formats and we make it really easy to use.

All Storyblok Asset fields with uploaded images are automatically converted into Image Field classes. These can be transformed by calling transform() and chaining the various methods.

// $image = Riclep\Storyblok\Fields\Image or any class extending it

// scales and crops the image to the requested dimensions (width, height, [focus]). If the proportions differ from the original image it is cropped
$image->transform()->resize(234, 432);

// scales the image and crops centering on the ‘focal point’ specified on the image in Storyblok
$image->transform()->resize(234, 432, 'focal-point');

// scales the image and crops using Storyblok’s Smart Crop feature for detecting faces
$image->transform()->resize(234, 432, 'smart');

// scales the image to fit inside the dimensions and set the background colour (width, height, [background colour]), 
$image->transform()->fitIn(400, 300, 'ff0000');

// fits the image and adds a transparent background, or fitIn(400, 700, 'transparent'). The file is converted a .png
$image->transform()->fitIn(400, 700);

// converts the image to the supplied format (jpeg, png, webp)

// convert the image to a jpg with a quality of 30
$image->transform()->format('jpeg', 30);

{info} When converting the file format the URL retains the original file extension. Not all browsers support webp yet!

Transformations can be chained but not all combinations will work well together such as using fitIn() with a transparent background and converting a jpeg as this format doesn’t support transparency.

$image->transform()->resize(800, 450)->format('webp');

Predefined transformations

Rather than defining your transformations every time you use them they can be added directly to an Image class as follows. Make a class extending Riclep\Storyblok\Fields\Image and define a transformations() method that sets the transformations property. This property should be an array of named arrays with two keys: src - a transformation and media - a <picture> element media string (this can be left empty). Each outer array is the name of the transformation, an example will make it clearer.

Here we define two image sizes, ‘mobile’ and ‘desktop’. The desktop variant includes a media query.

namespace App\Storyblok\Fields;

use Riclep\Storyblok\Fields\Image;

class HeroImage extends Image
    protected function transformations() {
        $this->transformations = [
            'mobile' => [
                'src' => $this->transform()->resize(100, 120)->format('webp'),
                'media' => '',
            'desktop' => [
                'src' => $this->transform()->resize(500, 400),
                'media' => '(min-width: 1000px)',

{info} The default <picture> and srcset templates expect your transformations array to list images from small to largest and use min-width for media queries. If you need different functionality then use a custom Blade view.

They can now be accessed by name returning the ImageTransform object exactly like the manual transformations above and will return the image URL when cast to a string.


Picture elements

We didn’t use the media key in the previous example; that’s because it’s used for creating <picture> elements! To create a picture element make sure you define your transformations and call the picture($alt) method including the alt text you wish to use.

$image->picture('Some alt text');

This will create the following picture element with two <source> tags. The <img> tag will use the original, non-transformed image from Storyblok.

    <source srcset="//" type="image/webp" media="">
    <source srcset="//" type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 1200px)">

    <img src="" alt="Some alt text">

{warning} The order you define the transformations is important and is the order they will appear in your html. Web browsers will use the first <source> tag they find that matches the media query!

You can set the transformation to use for the <img> tag by passing it’s name as the second argument.

$image->picture('A super image', 'mobile');
    <source srcset="//" type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 1200px)">

    <img src="//" alt="A super image">

You can add additional attributes to the <img> tag with the third argument with takes a key-value pair of attribute-value.

$image->picture('A super image', 'mobile', ['class' => 'hero mb-10', 'id' => 'hero-image']);

If you don’t like the default view used for generating the <picture> element then you can supply your own Blade view with the forth argument

$image->picture('A super image', 'mobile', ['class' => 'hero mb-10', 'id' => 'hero-image'], 'blocks.picture');

// the view receives the following data
    'alt' => $alt, // A super image
    'attributes' => $attributes, // ['class' => 'hero mb-10', 'id' => 'hero-image']
    'default' => $default, // mobile
    'imgSrc' => $imgSrc, // URL of the default image
    'transformations' => $this->transformations, // array of $image->transformations

Since 2.7.3

As well as picture elements you can also create <img> tag srcset tags. The usage is identical to that for <picture> tags except you call the srcset() method.

$image->srcset('A super image');
<img srcset=" 500w,
     sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 500px,
     src="" alt="A super image">

When using srcset all transformations must use the same ratio / crop - it can not be used for art direction. This is because the browser will automatically determine the correct image to use. If the browser has already cached a larger image this may still be used even when a smaller version matches.

Defining picture elements directly in Blade

Since 2.5.22

Setting your transformations in the Field’s class can limit your flexibility, especially if you want to use that field in several places or pages.

Use the setTransformations() method to define your picture element images directly in your view before calling picture(). The method takes the same input as you define in the transformations() method of the class. Be aware this will replace transformation defined in the class itself.

    'mobile' => [
        'src' => $field->transform()->resize(200, 200)->format('webp'),
        'media' => '(min-width: 400px)',
    'desktop' => [
        'src' => $field->transform()->resize(400, 400),
        'media' => '(min-width: 800px)',
])->picture('The alt text', 'mobile')));

{info} When supplying your own view you could add extra values to the transformations array to use on each image size.

Finally, for full control just override the picture() method on your custom Image class.

CSS variables

Since 2.5.19

Sometimes you might need your transformations to be used for background images. As you can’t create breakpoints using style attributes you will have to supply a CSS variable for each transformation. We make this simple like so:

<div style="--desktop: url(....); --mobile: url(....);">

<div class="hero" style="{{ $image->cssVars() }}"></div>

Each transformation key is converted to a variable with a value of the transformed URL. Make sure you CSS is set to look for these variables.

.hero {
  background-image: var(--mobile);

@media (min-width: 1000px) {
    .hero {
      background-image: var(--desktop);

Getting your CDN URL

Image transformations implement __toString() and will be converted into a Storyblok Image Service URL when used in Blade etc.

Custom transformations

You can make a custom transformation by calling $image->transform()->createUrl($options). The $options argument should be a valid URL parameter such as /fit-in/200x200/filters:fill(CCCCCC).

Image meta

Every Image contains meta data that may be useful.

// dimensions in pixels

// returns the mimetype