Basic usage

Once installed you can start working with Storyblok in your Laravel application just by creating the appropriate Blade views.

The package will consume Storyblok’s JSON responses and automatically convert them to nested PHP objects. The type of object created can be set just by matching the filename to that of the Storyblok component. This is covered in more detail in the blocks documentation.

The best way to understand this is to dd($story) in Blade file and check out the document structure.

Create the following folder resources/views/storyblok/pages, this is the default location where you will store all of your Blade views but you are free to use any structure you want. You can read more about how the package selects which view is loaded and how to define your own rules in the views documentation.

{info} You can change the default view path in the storyblok.php configuration file

Determining the view to use

Every Page has a views() method that returns an array of possible views to pass to Laravel’s view()->first() function (see the Laravel docs). The package looks for a Blade file matching the name of the Content Type component used for the current page in Storyblok, that doesn’t exist then page.blade.php will be tried.

If you have a Content Type component called episode being used for the page then it will look for an episode.blade.php file in resources/views/storyblok/pages.

Determining the Page class

By default it uses the App\Storyblok\Page class. To provide your own object for the page create a class in App\Storyblok\Pages and name it as the Studly case version of the Content Type from Storyblok. Be sure to extend Riclep\Storyblok\Page or the website’s default Page if you want common functionality.

In the episode example above you’d create an Episode class like so:

// episode.php

namespace App\Storyblok\Pages;

class Episode extends App\Storyblok\Page


Available Data

The selected view will be passed the complete Page object in a variable called $story which contains all the processed data for the current page. To display your content just print it to the screen, if our Episode has fields for title, text and a nested field containing child blocks we’d access them as so:

        <h1>{{ $story->title }}</h1>

        {{ $story->text }}

            {{ $story->nested[0]->name }}<br>
            {{ $story->nested[0]->role }}

If the text field was rich-text it would automatically be converted in a Riclep\Storyblok\Fields\RictText class. Printing it to screen will automatically covert it to HTML.

The nested blocks will be transformed into App\Storyblok\Block classes and all of their fields processed and converted. You can of course override this. If the JSON for the block looked like this:

    "name": "Richard Le Poidevin",
    "_uid": "xxx",
    "role": "Host",
    "component": "person",
    "_editable": "xxx"

Creating a class called Person in App\Storyblok\Blocks would make this block become that type. Within this block you are free to manipulate the data and fields as desired.

Using draft content

By default Storyblok will only load draft content when inside their visual editor. Sometimes it’s helpful to have access to draft content during development. To load draft content outside of the editor make a new .env variable like so.


{warning} Be careful not to use draft content in production! Either remove the env variable or set it to false.

Every time you publish in Storyblok the webhook will clear Laravel’s cache but the package provides a storyblok.clear-cache route if you need to do this manually in your code. You can of course clear the cache with Artisan too. If you’re using a taggable Cache driver the package uses the storyblok tag.