Embedding Media

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Use the fantastic Embed package by Óscar Otero to embed nearly anything in your website - YouTube videos, Tweets, Instagram images etc.

This is a simple wrapper to get you started.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require riclep/laravel-storyblok-embed

To make a Field embeddable simply add the EmbedsMedia trait. Your field should be of type ‘text’ and return a URL of what you’re wanting to embed.

Requested media responses are cached so save requested them on every page load, by default the duration is identical to that of your Laravel Storyblok cache settings but can be overridden in the config file if published.


namespace App\Storyblok\Fields;

use Riclep\StoryblokEmbed\Traits\EmbedsMedia;

class YouTubeVideo extends \Riclep\Storyblok\Field
    use EmbedsMedia;

The EmbedsMedia trait adds a render() method to your field which will return the HTML for the embedded media. The returned HTML is generated using a Blade view which you can customise by publishing the package’s views.

{warning} Embedding lots of media in a page can be slow as it needs to be requested when the page loads. Although the package will cache the response you may be better asynchronously loading the media after the page has loaded.

// uses /vendor/riclep/laravel-storyblok-embed/src/resources/views/default.blade.php

{!! $block->you_tube_video->render() !!}

Each different embedded source will return different fields - see the Embed package documentation for more information. As we can’t serialise the Embed object for caching for return a subset of the data. The following fields are available (depending on the media source):

    'title' => $response->title,
    'description' => $response->description,
    'url' => (string) $response->url,
    'keywords' => $response->keywords,
    'image' => $response->image,
    'code' => $response->code,
    'feeds' => $response->feeds,
    'authorName' => $response->authorName,
    'authorUrl' => (string) $response->authorUrl,
    'providerName' => $response->providerName,
    'publishedTime' => $response->publishedTime,
    'language' => $response->language,

If you want to specify a different view to use for rendering the embed you can pass the view name as the first parameter to the renderWith() method.

{!! $block->you_tube_video->renderWith('some-view') !!}

Code based embeds

Some sources such as Twitter will return a code field which is the HTML for the embedded media. This is the default view used to render the media. Twitter and some other media require a <script> tag to render their code. As placing <script> tags willy-nilly throughout your HTML isn’t ideal and can causes errors if using libraries like Vue we extract them into a Laravel Stack called ls-embed-scripts. Remember to include the stack in your layout.


Customising the embeds

You can publish the package’s view and config files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Riclep\StoryblokEmbed\StoryblokEmbedServiceProvider"