
Everything starts with a Page, it contains all the Blocks making up the content and also useful meta information. In Storyblok every page is based on a component that can ‘act as a Content Type’. Each Content Type can have it’s own corresponding class on your website. Every Page also contains a root Block, you can access via $page->block(), which contains the Content Type’s data like any other Block.

All pages will use the App\Storyblok\Page class by default but you can specify your own by simply making a class matching the component’s within app/Storyblok/Pages that extends Riclep\Storyblok\Page. For example a component called ‘kittens’ would become App\Storyblok\Pages\Kittens.


namespace App\Storyblok\Pages;

use Riclep\Storyblok\Page;

class Kittens extends Page


{info} If you want to define defaults for all your Page classes then add them to App\Storyblok\Page\ class and extend this instead of Riclep\Storyblok\Page.

To request multiple pages, such as a list of news articles, look at Folders.

Artisan commands

You can generate Page classes using the built-in the Artisan command. The Page’s name should match the name used in Storyblok but converted to StudlyCase so my-component becomes MyComponent. This will create a new class in App\Storyblok\Pages.

php artisan ls:page MyComponent

Rendering pages

Every page implements a render() method that returns a view with the $story object passed to it. You are free to choose how you wish to display this data. You may want to create one single Blade file and loop over the nested Blocks and Fields. Alternatively you might want to loop over Blocks and pass their content into include files. Each Block is also self-renderable - calling it’s render() method will pass it’s contents into a view matching it’s name.

{info} If you’d like to customise how which Blade view to choose is determined then override the views() method on your Page class returning an array of paths suitable for Laravel’s view()->first() method.

Page meta

The Page object contains useful meta content about the page. This could have been read from the Storyblok response data, added via a Block or could be meta content. When first processed a Page’s meta will contain it’s name, full_slug and any tags added in Storyblok.

$page->meta(); // returns full meta array
$page->meta('full_slug'); // returns just this items
$page->meta('missing_item', 'default value'); // returns the default if the item is missing data is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond. These schemas are designed to be machine readable allowing you to provide structured data for search engines, social networks, bots and more. We use the super Spatie package to help you convert your Storyblok data into something friendly for

To use add the Riclep\Storyblok\Traits\SchemaOrg trait to the Page and implement a schemaOrg() method on your Page returning a Spatie object. Schemas can also be defined in Blocks and will be included on any Page using that Block.


namespace App\Storyblok\Pages;

use Riclep\Storyblok\Page;
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
use Riclep\Storyblok\Traits\SchemaOrg;

class WithSchemaOrg extends Page
    use SchemaOrg;

    protected function schemaOrg() {
        return Schema::localBusiness()
            ->name('On the page')
            ->email('[email protected]')

To output the <script> tags call $story->schemaOrgScript() in your view. This is best done in the <head> of the page.

{info} See the Spatie package for full docs.

Shared and global content

There are times when you want to have content that is available on multiple or every page. This could be a footer, header or navigation. There are different ways to achieve this.

Shared content with view components

If you want to be able to choose when and where you use shared content then Laravel’s View Components are perfect for this task. Within the component’s class request the Story you want to use and it’ll be passed to the view. You may with to add the shared content to it’s own folder in Storyblok to keep things organised.


namespace App\View\Components;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
use Riclep\Storyblok\StoryblokFacade as StoryBlok;

class Header extends Component
    public $json;

    public function __construct()
        $headerMenu = Storyblok::read('/shared/header-menu');

    public function render()
        return view('components.header');

Global content

If you want to make content globally available to all pages and views it’s possible to share it within a Service Provider using the View facade’s share method. How you choose to structure and name your global content is up to you.

Whilst it may be tempting to share lot’s of content this way it can lead to cluttered views and a lot of unnecessary data being passed to the view. It’s best to use this sparingly.


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
use Riclep\Storyblok\StoryblokFacade as StoryBlok;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        View::share('shared-key', Storyblok::read('/shared/global-data'));