
Folders are a way to request several Stories at once such as getting the latest news articles or a team of people. It wraps Storyblok’s API for retrieving multiple stories. The read() method will return a collection of Stories matching the specified criteria.

To get a folder of Stories you can use the DefaultFolder Class in your controller specifying the slug where they are staved in Storyblok, for example.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Storyblok\Folder;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function index() {
        $stories = new Folder();

        return view('', [
                'stories' => $stories->read()

Setting the path to request

Call the slug() method with the path to the content you wish to request from Storyblok. The argument’s value maps to the starts_with property of the API call so be sure to check the Storyblok documentation.

Sorting the requested items

The sort() method accepts any valid string as specified in the Storyblok documentation such as content.YOUR_FIELD:asc or content.YOUR_FIELD:desc. Read their docs for full details.

Further refinement

If you need more control over your request the settings() method accepts an array of parameters allowing you to specify any part of the request.


To paginate your folder use the perPage() method being read() specifying the number of items per page.

$stories = new Folder();

{warning} If you change the per_page value in the $settings array make sure you match the value in perPage(). perPage() does updatesettings` so it’s recommended to only use the method.

Folder’s don’t know what page they are on, you need to tell them by passing the page number to their settings.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Storyblok\Folders\News;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        $news = new News();
            'page' => (int)$request->get('page') ?: 1,

        return view('', [
            'stories' => $news->perPage(10)->read(),

The package uses Laravel’s LengthAwarePaginator see the Laravel docs for customisation options.

To display the standard pagination links in your view do the following:

{!! $stories->paginate()->links() !!}

Custom folders

Rather than calling multiple methods each time you need to request a folder you can create custom Folder class by extending \App\Storyblok\DefaultFolder. Within this class you are free to set any defaults or create methods to fulfill your requirements.

Here is an example that loads Stories from the ‘news’ folder that where published any time before now(), ordering them by a publish_date datetime field.


namespace App\Storyblok\Folders;

class News extends \App\Storyblok\Folder
    protected string $slug = 'news';
    protected string $sort = 'content.published_at:desc';

    public function __construct()
            'filter_query' => [
                'published_at' => [
                    'lt_date' => now()->format('Y-m-d H:i'),
            'per_page' => 20

And in your controller you simply need to instantiate your Folder class - no need to call any methods. This handy if you need to reuse a Folder in several locations. Of course you can still override individual settings by calling the above methods if needed.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Storyblok\Folders\News;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function index() {
        $news = new News();

        return view('', [
                'news' => $news->read()

Including folders within Pages

Here’s a more complete controller that loads the root news page Story and additional Stories from the news folder, passing them to the Page’s view.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Storyblok\Folders\News;
use Riclep\Storyblok\StoryblokFacade as StoryBlok;

class NewsController extends Controller
    public function index() {
        $news = new News();

        return Storyblok::bySlug('/news')->read()->render(
                'news' => $news->read()

    public function show($slug) {
        return Storyblok::bySlug('/news/' . $slug)->read()->render();

{info} View Components are another great way load folders into your content blocks.