Laravel Storyblok Forms

An addon package for Laravel Storyblok that lets you use the Storyblok headless CMS as a form builder.

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Install the package using Composer

composer require riclep/laravel-storyblok-forms

Publish the package assets selecting Laravel Storyblok Forms - this will copy stub views for each form component.

php artisan vendor:publish

{warning} Currently this can fail. If it does manually copy the views from vendor/riclep/laravel-storyblok-forms/stubs/views/blocks to your ap’s resources/views/storyblok folder.

Tell Laravel Storyblok where to find the Form Block classes but editing your laravel-storyblok config file and adding the Riclep\StoryblokForms namespace.

'component_class_namespace' => ['App\Storyblok\\', 'Riclep\StoryblokForms\\'],

Install the Storyblok Components - this will create the required components and component groups in Storyblok. Ensure you have your management key and space ID set up in the .env, see Laravel Storyblok installation docs installation for details.

php artisan lsf:install

Building forms

Each form should be created as a new page in Storyblok using the Form (lsf-form) content type created in the installation step.

Once created attach a form to a page using a Single Option field with a source Stories.

In the Block containing your form remember to resolve the relation as you would do for any Laravel Storyblok relationship.

namespace App\Storyblok;

use Riclep\Storyblok\Block;

class SomeBlock extends Block
    public $_resolveRelations = ['form']; // the field holding your form

To render a form do the following in your Blade view. This will use the stubbed fields installed earlier. Feel free to customise them as required.

{{ $story->form->render() }}

By default the form will post to the same URL as the form’s page in Storyblok. Add a post route in your web.php file. You can customise the form’s action by editing lsf-form.blade.php.

Route::post('/forms/my-form', [FormController::class, 'store']);

Create your controller to handle the form submission.

Pass the $request to a Riclep\StoryblokForms\FormResponse instance. To validate using your rules added in Storyblok call validate(), this will either pass and continue or fail and redirect the user back with errors and old input like regular Laravel validation. To access the user’s input call response(), this gives you a nested array containing the full user input for all fields. Checkboxes and radio buttons contain any array of every option and a selected boolean of their status making it super easy to build emails or store in the database!


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Riclep\StoryblokForms\FormResponse;

class FormController extends Controller
    public function store(Request $request) {
        $formResponse = new FormResponse($request);
        $response = $formResponse->response();